
Course Completion Work

The project developed by me, Yorranan Costa, under the supervision of Professor Dr. Gisane Aparecida Michelon, involved the implementation of a system for the publication of Thesauri. This project emerged from a demand from the Semantic and Distributed Applications Laboratory (LASeD). The final result of the developed work is available at: https://lodlased.unicentro.br/Skosmos.


The internet and its technologies provide a vast platform for data exploration, making it a valuable resource for information acquisition. An effective approach to enhance accessibility for both machines and humans is through the utilization of the Semantic Web. The LASeD has been actively engaged in various controlled vocabulary construction endeavors, with focus on the development of the Brazilian Computer Science Thesaurus. However, the research group encountered a significant challenge due to the absence of a publishing interface commensurate with the thesaurus’s significance. To address this issue, a web interface was created to enable the publication of multilingual controlled vocabularies. This interface was established using the Skosmos publishing tool, the Apache Jena-Fuseki RDF server, and two HTTP servers implemented in reverse proxy on the research group’s server. Consequently, a functional platform was successfully established for the publication of thesauri, aligned with the specified requirements. Additionally, the implementation process was documented, and a concise evaluation of the system’s performance was conducted. The results were achieved through the application of a thesaurus development methodology combined with a development model based on software reuse. The Brazilian Computer Science Thesaurus is freely accessible on a digital, open-access platform at conclusion of implementation.

Part of the written documentation is available here (Pt-BR).

The full work has not yet been published!